
Fossa Wallpaper Scorer Triple Head perforates waterproof wallcoverings so the remover solution can penetrate and resolubilize paste. Fossa Wallpaper Scorer Triple head scoring modules open up holes to let Zinsser DIF Wallpaper Stripper or other wallpaper striping liquids penetrate and attack the paste.

Fossa Wallpaper Scorer Triple Head is easy to use. Just make circular movements across or up and down the wall to score the wallcovering. The Triple Head allows penetration through the wallcovering without damaging the wall itself, and follows the contour of the wall including hollow areas or textured wallcovering surfaces. The cutter assembly self-aligns to both the wall and the direction of travel, thereby allowing the tool to be moved in any direction the user desires. It lets the user score an entire room in minutes.

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